Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review of the Frost Series by Liz DeJesus

Book Info-
Title- First Frost
Series-The Frost Series Book # 1
By-Liz DeJesus
Publication Date- June 22, 2012
Published By- Musa Publishing

Fairytales aren’t real…yeah…that’s exactly what Bianca thought. She was wrong.

For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down guardianship from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.”

Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel…

Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or…well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist.

She’s about to find out how wrong she is.

**My thoughts**

I was a little apprehensive about reading this book when I first heard about it. After all, everyone is redoing fairytales these days. I took a chance when it was free for Kindle, and I am glad that I did. Liz DeJesus has done something different in the new world of fairytales. Instead of retelling those famous stories, she has made the classics a part of a new story.

Bianca gets herself lost in another world and discovers how true those stories really are. She also discovers how real magic is and discovers the truth about herself and her family. I really enjoyed how Liz wove the fairytales and their artifacts into her world. I felt like I learned something new about all of those stories that I enjoyed as a kid. I was also exposed to some new stories and want to read them.

She and her best friend Ming are whisked away upon an adventure of danger and magic, discovering new friends and enemies along the way. I love their relationship and banter, because it is so real. Their interactions with the hottie young men they find in this alternate world are also amusing, as they come from very different backgrounds and cultural expectations. I found myself wondering what it would be like to have to mold myself to those. 

Bianca finds strength within herself that she never knew existed. She realizes the true value of friendship and of family. She also realizes her destiny. I was eager for the second installment to come out!

Also available from MUSA Publishing

Book Info-
Title-Glass Frost
Series- The Frost Series Book # 2
By- Liz DeJesus
Publication Date- July 19th, 2013
Published By- Musa Publishing

When joined together, Cinderella's slippers grant the wearer her heart's desire. But whose wish will be granted?

When Cinderella’s glass slipper is stolen, Queen Felicia sends her faithful steward Terrance to the real world to retrieve his love and witch-in-training, Bianca Frost. The power of the glass slipper, when paired with its mate, and in the wrong hands, could ruin the peace of Everafter. Bianca must gather every bit of magic she has learned in the past few weeks to find the slipper and protect her new love. Together, Bianca, Ming, Prince Ferdinand, and Terrance venture deep into the heart of Everafter to seek clues as to who has stolen the slipper and why. Along the way, they uncover what happened to the Seven Dwarves after Snow White married the prince, but also learn the awful risk of tampering with black magic and the high price that must be paid for magic, even when used for good.

Bianca and Terrance’s relationship is put to the test. Through the pain of suffering and loss, Bianca must determine if following her gallant boyfriend into his faraway world is in fact her heart's desire.

**My thoughts**

I was excited to read the second installment in this series. It was enjoyable, even though I wasn't quite as engrossed as I was in the first book. The first one was all about Bianca discovering who she really is. This one is more about her adventures under her new role in the magical world. It felt like a step along the path that will lead to an epic battle.

Bianca has reunited her family, yet has incredible responsibility in that magical fairytale world. This new responsibility puts her and her loved ones in danger, but she is compelled to do it. Those people depend on her and her legacy to protect them. She is also the key to solving their problems, especially considering her family's business.

In this one, Ming didn't feel quite as necessary as a character, other than being a sort of security blanket to help Bianca embark upon her journey. Her place is more in the real world, but I hope she can have more of an impact in future installments.

Yet again, Liz DeJesus stretches the imagination with her twists on those classic fairytales. She looks beyond the original story and finds ways to make them her own. I eagerly anticipate the third installment.

About the Author-
Liz DeJesus was born on the tiny island of Puerto Rico. She is a novelist and a poet. She has been writing for as long as she was capable of holding a pen. She is the author of the novel Nina (Blu Phi'er Publishing, October 2007), The Jackets (Arte Publico Press, March 31st 2011) First Frost (Musa Publishing, June 22nd 2012) and Glass Frost (Musa Publishing, COMING SOON).
She is also a member of The Written Remains Writers Guild
Liz is currently working on a new novel.


Frost Series Tour Facebook Event-

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